Cup with saucer “Cobalt stripes” on the mold “Leningrad”



Cup with saucer “Cobalt stripes” on the form “Leningrad”.
Author of the painting – G.D. Shulyak. Author of the form – E.M. Krimmer.

Hard porcelain.360 m
Monochrome underglaze and overglaze decor.

Geometric variations in porcelain have been one of the main lines in the work of Galina Shulyak for almost three decades. The author’s inexhaustible source of inspiration is the timeless perfection of antique vessels with the simplest decorations, the brevity and naturalness of ornaments of artificial ceramics. An ingenious simplicity that has stood the test of time for millennia.
The artist returns to his roots: just as the hand of a craftsman traces a vessel on a potter’s wheel, so the hand of the artist traces a line on a porcelain cup rotating on a wheel. The ornament is created in motion, giving the work an inherent dynamism. A practiced eye and an intuitive sense of form help the artist develop bold decorative solutions based on the cobalt line that serves as the starting point. Thus, a flowing spiral, dancing twisting curves, vibrating lines embracing the body of the objects – the living geometry of Galina Shulyak.

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Hard-paste porcelain


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