Gift set 400 ml idyll shape figure Scarlett



Bone china; polychrome onglaze decoration, gilding.
The author of the design is Yulia Chistyakova.

The pieces of the Scarlett gift set are distinguished by their exquisite decor, which is a modern variation of the theme of the famous painting of the Imperial Porcelain Manufactory “Cobalt Grid”, the model of which, in turn, is the service of Elizabeth Petrovna from the mid-18th century.

Like its historical models, the 21st century decor is modeled on the “Trellis Grid” popular in the mid-18th century, which was inspired by the taste of the Rococo period. The strict geometric decor, which sets the main rhythm, is softened by artist Yulia Chistyakova with soft color fillings and golden accents in the form of various images of the poinsettia. In 2021, the Scarlett series was complemented by practical 400 ml glasses.

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