Tea set “Gold”, form “Alexandria” 6 persons 20 pieces


Tea set “Gold” for 6 persons in the shape of “Alexandria”.

Restored after the service “Stamped” (“Gold”), which was made in 1827 at the IPF by order of Nicholas I for the Palace of Pavlovsk, the residence of the Tsar’s mother, Empress Maria Feodorovna (wife of Paul I).

The service reflects the heyday of the Imperial Porcelain Manufactory in the first third of the 19th century, when it produced large ceremonial sets for the palaces of the House of Romanov. The decoration is in classic blue and green, with delicate plant and geometric patterns. The service is richly decorated with natural gold with filigree engraving. The abundance of gold in the decoration gave the service, originally called Coat of Arms, its second name, Gold.

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Art-Nr. 81.25211.00.1 Kategorie

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